gray cpa

IMPORTANT: We continue to have limited physical office hours, currently set as Monday-Thursday 9:00-4:00, and Friday’s are By Appointment Only.  With our varying staff levels, our phones do have additional hours of coverage, so please feel free to call. We still welcome you to pre-schedule a visit with our team as we would be happy to provide any one on one you may need!

Why You Should File Your Tax Return Early

Why You Should File Your Tax Return Early Tax filing season officially began on Monday, January 23rd. Not many people file that early, but for some taxpayers it makes sense to do so. Here are common reasons to consider trying to be at the head of the line: You want to...

It’s Tax Time! Tips to Get Organized

Tax Tips to Get Organized The beginning of a new year brings the need to recap the previous one for Uncle Sam. Here are some tips and a checklist to help get you organized. Look for your tax forms. Forms W-2, 1099, and 1098 will start hitting your inbox or mailbox in...

Identity Thieves Love Tax Season

Identity Thieves Love Tax Season The vast amount of information shared online during tax season makes it a haven for identity thieves, and they’re doing everything they can to take advantage of the opportunity! Here are several ways that identity thieves are...

Shrink Your Tax Bill in 2023

Shrink Your Tax Bill in 2023 Here are several strategies to consider to shrink your tax bill in 2023. Consider life events. Consider whether any of the following key events may take place in 2023, as they may have potential tax implications: Purchasing or selling a...

Year-End Tax Cutting Ideas

Year-End Tax Cutting Ideas Here are moves you can make to reduce your taxable income. But the year is quickly coming to a close, so plan accordingly. Tax loss harvesting. If you own stock outside a tax-deferred retirement plan, you can sell your under-performing...

Tax Court Corner

Tax Court Corner Here’s a roundup of several recent tax court cases and what they mean for you. Thou Shalt Not Commingle Funds (Vorreyer, TC Memo 2022-97, 9/21/22) Don’t let sloppy record keeping prevent you from deducting legitimate business expenses. The Tax...